The little Star-Angel and the hope

Once upon a time there was a little angel, he had countless small stars on his garment. Some days did those stars sparkle like a billion diamonds, those were the days when the angel was happy. There were other days where not a single star can be seen on his garment. Those were the days when the angel was very sad.
“Why are you so sad?” asked him his companions. “Sparkling on a dark sky is pure pleasure, isn’t it?!”.” The little angel shook his head. “I am not happy if I look down on earth!” he said. There is so much poverty and misery.” How can this make me happy?” “The misery on earth makes you sad?” asked one of the angels. “The earth is far away. Our job is to sparkle!” “Light shall bring hope” mumbled the little angel.

He looked again down on earth, and glanced over the part which was faced with the most misery. He saw a man and a woman. They were very poor and the woman was pregnant. Very tired they were walking along the street, but nobody welcomed them in. At each door the people said that they wouldn’t have any room left. Finally they ended up sleeping in a dark barn and that almost broke the little angel’s heart. He would like to help them. “Light shall bring hope” he said again and was saddened.

“What can I do?” Suddenly, it was warm about the little angel, he twinkled. He asked “what’s this?” there was a bright light shining and he heard a melody. “What happened?”
“Where am I?” He heard a soft crying, and then he saw the child. He lay in a crib in the barn. He cheered “the hope!”, “it’s there!”. The little angel was happy. He gave an affectionate look at the child and his parents and whispered “Thank you”.

Then he flew away, full of hope and with a garment more shiny than the brightest star on the sky on this wondrous night. The hope still exists and it ever will… (Elke Braunling)

Dear friends of “yo quiero ser…”,
You all are the hope for our children. Their garments sparkle again and again, thanks to your contribution. A warm thank you on behave of every “yo quiero ser…”-Angel!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!