Newsletter November 2011

Soccer team Real España
The national soccer team Real España from San Pedro Sula and the company Foam Honduras provide a social project with a bed or with mattresses with every goal scored. Our children’s home, too, is a project supported by them, which is why we were able to participate in a press conference, in which the kids could meet the national stars, talk to them, and urge me to take lots of pictures. For the kids, it was a special experience to see the soccer players and to become aware of the fact that those “men” are normal people, too.

Deyvin Meza, the oldest of our kids, is the first to complete elementary school. It is common here to celebrate this with a graduation party.
During his last school years, Deyvin stood out due to his helpfulness and loyalty rather than his good marks. Everyone liked him very much and the nuns didn’t want to let him go. Here in Honduras, few children get the opportunity to go to high school. Many of them can hardly afford elementary school, after which they earn their own money to survive. Deyvin gets the opportunity to go to high school through your kindness.

Newly received kids
On November 19, the IHNFA had a fire and all its 155 inhabitants had to leave the building. They were granted shelter at the old, rather uninhabitable IHNFA. Upon hearing about this situation, we consented to host some infants. In total, our family increased by 5 kids. Little Luis is about 4 months old, Ana 7 months, Eunice 8 months, Darlin 2 years and Elio is 2 ½ months old.

Unfortunately, all of them came here in a dismal state which I have rarely seen before. All of them suffered from a bad infection affecting their gastro-intestinal system, as well as bronchitis. Ana, Eunice, Darling und Elio were full of parasites. Elio even had worms creeping out of his mouth. The worms were about 25-30 cm long. The thought that Elio had all those animals inside him gave me the strength to pull the worms out of his mouth.
Now, two weeks later, they are feeling way better. They are solid in health, slowly put on weight, enjoy life and shed smiles during the whole day. Elio, the worm boy, had 4 more brothers at the IHNFA, so we gave him back to be transferred to another home with his siblings.
It’s nice to see them feeling comfortable here and to see the „yo quiero ser…“-kids take care of the little ones with affection.

Extension of Sala Cuna (infant dorm)
The foundation council has decided to expanse the Sala Cuna project. This means that the children-s home will accommodate 10 more children next year. In order to accomplish the project, an annex to the existing building is scheduled. Edwing, our “foreman”, and the kids logged the coconut trees during the last couple of weeks and prepared the soil for our loyal volunteer, Walter Perogari, to start constructing when he visits. In February, the new building will be ready for the little ones to move in.
This decision was taken before the IHNFA-fire happened… Incredible, how everything works out of its own accord.