Newsletter May 2014

Birthday party
Jaklin, is a little boy who lived with us since 2012 until some relative came by one day and picked him up. Luckily enough is he in good hands and seems to be very happy. He feels well integrated in his new family and made some remarkable steps in his development. He speaks fluent as well as English because his family is originally from Roatan where both languages are practiced.
In May was his birthday and the family invited all children from Sala Cuna to celebrate his birthday. They all played together, sang, danced and ate cake.
Our dear friend Chiara Gonzales Ammann celebrated also her 3rd birthday. We organized a party and the kids were utterly excited when they saw the 10kg heavy Piñata.

Mother’s day
Alike every year did the children celebrate mother’s day at the school. The different classes prepared something special, either a dance, theater, sketch etc. and each child made a small gift to bring home.
At mother’s day many family members came to visit the children at the home which resulted in a festive and happy family day. Unfortunately, many of the families ignore the “Sunday visit day” and only a handful of children actually receive visits through out the year. This day is different and reason enough for the mothers to think off all children the family has.

Scouts visit
Also in Honduras exist different scouts and one Sunday they surprised the children with a visit. They had many fun things planned out and divided the children into different groups. Within those groups they learned a variety of survival techniques. Our children enjoyed it very much mostly because they were taught by other children.

Container goods
“For it is in giving that we receive.” (St. Francis of Assisi)
In January reached us a container from Switzerland, packed with bountiful amazing things. We have the mentality of keeping only what we need and passing on the other goods to the people in need. We ended up filling 120 huge bags with clothes, blankets, school utilities, tableware etc. All those bags have we distributed in the poorest villages and slums to families in need. Their gratefulness and appreciation was overwhelming. Once more did we have to realize in which extreme poverty thousands of Hondurans life.