Newsletter March 2017

First courses at the ACEP
Last month, the vocational training school ACEP was inaugurated and the first courses have already taken place.

One room has been especially set up, by the CAMO, for the RCP (Reanimación Cardiopulmonary = Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Resuscitation) course, including life-sized dolls and the necessary medical equipment. Unbelievable, but true that Honduran doctors do not have to attend this course during their long training. Several hospitals have now ordered their doctors and nurses to attend this course. The first training group therefore consisted of 36 participants.

The second course, "Professional Excellence," was held by two trained American business women. Several local companies sent their employees to attend the course. The high expectations from the participants were greatly exceeded and the enthusiasm was overwhelming when they received their diploma at the end.

The kitchen and dining room have already been taken over by the cooking class “Professional Chef”. The course was developed in collaboration with the project PRO JOVEN, which is supported by the Swiss Confederation. The students learn how to professionally prepare food and different delicacies, how to plan a menu and they cook for the other ACEP students. The plates looked stunning and the students master their art very well!

Two Grisons visited us
Nicolin Sonder and Flavio Luzio, two globetrotters, stopped at San Pedro Sula to visit “….yo quiero ser” while traveling through South and Central America.

They accompanied us to Coca-Cola Mountain. It was a great pleasure for the children to show them our industrial city.

During the week, the two Grisons painted walls and doors. Furthermore, Flavio, who has undergone an engineering training, taught our secondary school students mathematics for several hours and preparing them for the mid-term exams.

On their last weekend we visited together the nature park PANACAM and walked for 2 ½ hours through the fog- and rainforest. It is very untypical that Hondurans make this march, because here you do not know the walking and hiking culture at all. That's why we made this hike in half the time indicated.

Then we ate fresh fish at Lake Yojoa and enjoyed the time on the shore of the largest Honduran lake.

Grupo CAMINO No. 41
CAMINO is a Catholic Gospel movement of married couples. The Group No. 41 visired us on a Sunday. All married couples were accompanied by their children. The men took care of the painting of our garden furniture, while the women occupied our children with various games.

The group brought us an excellent lunch. The highlight, however, was a Punch and Judy show. All children laughed from the bottom of their heart about the jokes the dolls narrated.

A lawyer and an architect talked to our older boys to give them tips for life. They also wanted to show how important a good education is, and that every star or celebrity once started from scratch. Behind every professional stands a long, steep path ... For us such conversations are very important, because the young people often listen more to outsiders than to us.

During such visits, one can feel the double meaning. On the one hand, the foreigners want to bring joy to our children, but on the other hand they also want to show their own offspring that not all children in the world have the privilege of a family.

MICROSOFT computer course
Our secondary school students already had some experience with office programs and are generally good with their computer skills. Nonetheless did we want them to perfect their skills and they now visit the MICROSOFT Imagine Academy every Saturday morning. These courses are offered free of charge to young people by MICROSOFT in collaboration with USAID.

In total, there are 3 modules (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) and each is taught over the course of one month. Those who pass the final exam will then receive the MICROSOFT diploma

For our boys this course is a good chance to acquire new computer skills. But most of all the MICROSOFT Diploma is an important addition to their CV and will help them in the future while job haunting