A soap bubble

Soap bubbles remind us of childhood. Of our little childhood dreams that flew away with the soap bubbles and no one could harm them. Because in a soap bubble, everything appears in a colorful, shiny and warm light. And it does not matter what the environment looks like. If the sky is overcast and gray or bright blue, the soap bubble is protected against the outside world.

And every time I entered the childrens home, I felt like I was going into a bubble. Sometimes I came back from a beautiful, sunny San Pedro Sula. Sometimes I returned drenched and a little uncomfortable. But as soon as I walked through the gate, I saw the colorful walls, the sparkle in the eyes of the children and I felt the warmth. I felt safe from the outside world and the dangers of the bustling city San Pedro Sula. And not only for me, but also for the children, the childrens home is a soap bubble. The circumstances in which the children lived did not leave much to be desired, but the children have dreams. And through the protection of the childrens home, which supports our soap bubble, they can appear in colorful and sparkly. And that's exactly the reason that led me to the childrens home for two months. Because I wanted to support the children, I wanted to be part of the wall of the soap bubble.

And there was always something to do with 35 children. The day started early because the kids had to go to school. While the elders and the middle ones were at school, I spent a lot of time with the little ones. They had plenty of energy and never got tired of playing. So that this energy lasted even longer, I handed the cooks my helping hand. At lunchtime everybody returned home and in the afternoon the homework had to be done first. After dinner, the little ones and the middle ones soon went to bed and I had time for the older girls, who are about my age. Often we used the time to talk or bake. And now and then we watched a movie

In addition to the daily tasks, I have repeatedly devoted myself to smaller and larger projects. Like the restoration of the picture frames or the design of the Christmas cards. And on Friday I always did the weekly shopping with Karen. Through Karen, I first of all got to know the Honduran cuisine and food culture. Although she is an educator at "YO QUIERO SER", we spent a lot of time in the kitchen because of our shared passion for cooking and baking. So I learned how to cook Baleadas, Arroz con pollo, Tortillas and Frijoles and I introduced them to Birchermüesli, Sunntigszopf, Rösti and Lasagna.

But not only did I take the recipes for the Honduran delicacies back to Switzerland, I also brought many great memories and a lot of informative content with me. On one hand I had the chance to get to know another culture and mentality, a very unfiltered and raw experience, on the other hand I learned to appreciate more the facets of my culture and mentality. As for every culture it is like eating, everyone has their preferences but we ae capable of learn a lot of new things and with an open mind we also appreciate the differences in flavor.

Nora Baltermia